Plastic Keg Cost

Keg Calculation Notes

The calculator above gives a rough estimate of the cost savings which can be made when using the i-Keg compared to the costs of traditional steel kegs. This tool should only be used as an estimate, but provides a good comparison of the potential savings based on your unique numbers. This section aims to explain the calculations above and how we have arrived at the projected saving numbers.

The loss in sales estimation is a calculation based on your average loss of kegs per year and the profit lost from those kegs not being in service. This calculation uses your average gross profit percentage, the percentage of lost kegs, your keg sale price and your amount of fills per year, to tally up how much earnings you lose in the first year, and over five year from your keg losses, if not replaced. Using our i-Keg we expect and annual keg loss of 1% compared to much higher percentages for traditional steel kegs. Plastic has very little scrap value compared to steel, so thefts are lower.

Our keg replacement cost is a simple calculation based on your loss of kegs per year, and the subsequent cost to replace those kegs based on your purchase price. For ease of calculation, we assume a total loss of the percentage you have entered over the five years. The calculations above show you the projected savings both with and without replacement, making it easier to compare the options and the true costs of each.

Lease to Own Finance

Developing the
Future in Plastic Keg Technology

In partnership with the leading worldwide and domestic beer brands, we have developed the technology of the future to give environmentally minded beer producers total control of the beer that they sell, from leaving the factory gate to the point of sale, and return for refill. Our kegs are a unique and positive way to dispose of older kegs over time whilst making steps forward for our environment.

More about Our Plastic Trackable Keg
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